Thursday 20 November 2008

Liquor in the front...Poker in the Rear!

The long standing debate over whether poker is a skill, or whether it is the luck of the hand is always present at any poker tournament.

I like to think it's a bit of both, because even if you have a bad hand you can bluff. But in order to pull that off you have to be good at the bluff and not just donk your chips off.

I play poker at least once a week, if I don’t, I get serious shakes and feel really unhappy! Ok maybe not that extreme but I do love a good game of poker. I really only play the game because I enjoy playing the game. I don’t actually play to win. Winning is just the added bonus. (I rarely ever win)
So anyway, last night my friend Alex (she’s a girl) came along to play as well. Actually that’s a lie. She came along to have a drink, and the next thing ya know some random stranger is putting in a fiver for her so she can play as well!
How nice of him….. We must find a way to thank him without paying him back.
One thing you need to know about Alex is that she’s very….er….. (I wanna say eccentric)…..
She is probably the funniest person I know (ok Sophie AND Alex are the funniest people I know), Alex is also by far the most intelligent person I know. But when I say that please bear in mind that not many of my friends are intelligent.
So along with all of that, she is like Phoebe from Friends. She says the most random of things, but still has a little bit of logic behind it all.
Anyway, imagine my surprise when I get knocked out of poker before her? How does that happen…
No offence to Alex but surely that aint right…. Did she cheat?

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